danny shelton 3abn wife

I had to tell the laboratories that the ones being tested refused to provide the information. 135.) _To: Christine Yates I was grateful. Thus we have decided to sift through some pertinent correspondence and post excerpts from it, without Linda's collaboration or review. Linda wanted very much to remain married to Danny at that time and couldnt figure out why he was behaving so strangely. (Doc. And innuendo and false accusations are not adequate to classify as proof. Somewhere along the way of dating my husband to be, I lost the fervency of finding my place with God. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. He bought a car for my college age daughter without my knowledge. Weeks later his tirade changed to, "Until the ink is dry on our divorce papers I have every right to have you." On July 10, 2008, 3ABN, Danny Shelton, and Attorney Gregory And this is why I am coming to you, my Church family, asking and seeking wisdom for my situation. Danny Sheltons response on January 2, 2009 to my suggestion that he, Brandy and Trinity be DNA tested (below). Around June 10, 2004, Dan told me he had found a website where we could get a divorce. I have even heard that some at 3ABN have said, God talks to Danny Shelton, and Danny Shelton talks to us. Although I had the phone in the bathroom she could hear his tirade coming out of the phone in her living room. Dan often came home from work when I was suspended and he taunted me with "Guess who I talked to today? The Trinity to be tested is reported to be 9 years old. Meetings at 3ABN were taking place where I was publically humiliated to the employees and they were warned about being pulled into a lawsuit if they had any contact with me. But during and after the delivery of my first baby, I found myself in the Intensive Care Unit fighting for my life. his salary given to him as part of a "non-compete agreement. On Dec 23, 2008, at 7:47 AM, Danny Shelton wrote: Thanks Lorraine, Her phone rang a number of times. On November 14, 1984 Dan felt impressed to begin 3ABN. . An important part of my story includes this painful chapter. It should be noted that we were first scheduled to meet in the parking lot of the public school in Thompsonville, Ill. Danny Shelton subsequently asked if we could move the meeting place to the county Courthouse in Benton, Illinois a few miles up the freeway north of West Frankfort, Ill (West Frankfort/Thompsonville, Ill is the location of the headquarters of 3ABN). DNA Diagnostics Center performs 3 out of 4 private paternity tests. Another subject: Danny Shelton's cover up of the child molestation allegations against Tommy Shelton, one of the defendants And obviously both Danny and Brandy would know whether Danny is the father of Trinity. If this child belongs to a sister of Brandy and (obviously) another man, naturally Danny would test negative as the father of this child presented for testing. . Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 2:57 PM Dr. Abrahmsen wanted to clear my name as well as his own, as we both had been falsely accused of immorality, without any grounds whatsoever. Speaking from a secular viewpoint, I had reached a pinnacle of success in my career. No Board member ever called me about these decisions. Thanks again for talking with me tonight. Even the rocks and the mountains will cry out. If she has proof that I buffalo-ed herthen why all the secrecy? How curious can it get! DNA testing Agreement wadded up and thrown away? or any other way that the Brandy I am married to came to 3ABN to work before 2004 I will give you $10,000. If it wasnt for the false charge of adultery for which you have NO evidence then tell all of us out here your specific reason. Why would Danny Shelton waste that money getting secretly tested if he knew he was not the father of Trinity? Danny was clearly grasping at straws to try to fabricate any type of incriminating evidence against Linda no matter how far-fetched it was. Simpson again refused to produce the board minutes authorizing that transaction, claiming (Please see a copy of that letter below.). Or if you have decided that I could not have worked with her, why do you care so much? I have wonderful memories of tobogganing, ice skating and snow ball fights with my family. Genetic Profiles Whoa! note. What did she get for her 11-12 hour work-days for almost 20 years, her donations of her CD royalties to 3ABN, Lindas repeated giving of her weekends for years and years to travel for 3ABN after working long hours all week, and her allegiance and total dedication to the network for almost twenty years? - I was only given Xerox copies which, of course, can be altered), 2) to take a picture of the child, 3) to have the social security numbers of those tested, 4) to take fingerprints of those tested. He very firmly said "If we do not put it in your name you will not get the car." Another source saw a moving van at the Shelton door on Thursday, July 9, 2009. the PDF of There is no legitimate reason for them to do so. Also when you make a statement "But it is publically known that You Personally were looking..blah blah blah. To travel several hours to and from a certified DNA testing laboratory would have been a major imposition on the Sheltons, including the child, Trinity Murray, who would have missed a day of school. At the age of 15, he began working for 3ABN and continued off and on between schooling. I lost custody of my son. I'll let you know hopefully sometime Monday. I would never have believed that you can hold yourselfin so high esteem that you won't admit that you could be wrong. Jeff and his wife Charletta raised three fine children and joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 2005 after watching 3ABN. I just want to know the truth of why Danny dumped his wife Linda Shelton from 3ABN only a few weeks after he made false accusations against her. Meanwhile, most of the little boys of my generation grew up playing trucks, playing ball and riding bicycles. Dan forcibly broke into Alyssa's bathroom while I was taking a shower and took away my keys to 3ABN which I was carrying in my pocket at all times. I lost my home, my income and my security. I rarely heard from Dr. Walt during April and May. But it is publicly known that YOU - PERSONALLY - were calling around looking for housing for Brandy and her two children in August of 2004 - just 2 months after you had divorced your wife and had her fired from 3ABN in June of 2004. When I was nearly falling asleep all of a sudden an intensely strong, electric power filled the room. I was a "captive" audience. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. She is a naturopathic doctor, was a Board certified practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine, has a Masters degree in Social Work, and has authored several books. Although I still was not "happy" with Brenda, I considered it to be an emergency. Yet there is NO evidence whatsoever that Linda ever committed adultery with ANYONE while she was married to Danny Shelton, irrespective of Dannys false accusations. I spoke with them alone first and told them how I was being treated in my home. He started doing sit-ups every night. Danny got out of the truck, we said Hello and he began to sign the consent for DNA testing. You took her word for it. Brandy and Shawn Brannack were married in June of 1996 and divorced on October 7, 1999, according to public records. PDF file of court papers posted here, On Of that amount, $52,407.41 was additional money beyond My biggest question is why is there such a monumental, egregious, DOUBLE-STANDARD held by Danny Shelton, 3ABN Board Chairman, Walter Thompson, Kay Kuzma, Mollie Steenson, and the other 3ABN Board Members, as well as many others at the top level of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. Returning home, they began installing satellite equipment in homes all over Australia, and at the request of 3ABNs board of directors, they formed 3ABN Australia, Inc. in 2003. Brandy and Shawn Brannack divorced on October 7, 1999 when Brandy was already 4-5 months pregnant by a man other than her husband. This court-approved, legal, DNA testing is done in an accredited laboratory. I offered to work part-time so I could focus more on the home duties. Even when I saw you and Brandy in your wedding picture and I commented, "Yes, that's Brandy" to my friends, I had no idea that anyone would ultimately claim that she was not there the last time I was. I was happy about this. September 28, 2019 On April 11, 2013, when Brenda Walsh was still the popular Kids Time producer and host on Three Angels Broadcasting Network, she appeared on a Thursday Night Live program with then-3ABN president Jim Gilley and founder Danny Shelton. I just asked him if he was willing to document with DNA testing what he claimed to be true. Some have asked me, "Did you ever see anything where you felt Dan was inappropriate with other women?" I have been accused by Danny of being on Linda's side. Linda had no clue that Danny had already made plans to divorce her long before she traveled to Norway, in February of 2004, to visit her son. When I know I am right I don't consider that to be gambling because I am not taking a gamble or risk when there is 0 chance that I could be wrong. I have written a letter to them. I discovered later from a 3ABN worker that Dan was telling those who worked for me that I was a pathological liar and to stay away from me. p. 3 at Table 1). (Doc. On Tuesday I went to my office. I remarked that every man I know - if he were sure that he was not the father of a child born out of wedlock - would offer to get tested in an instant at his own expense without making any monetary demands on anyone. they separated or divorced. The same day he said he wanted to counsel with John Lomacang, the pastor at our local church, about the situation. The reason this is important to say is that when I arrived in Southern Illinois to take the DNA specimens, Brandy became very angry and accused me of harassing her family. I had done nothing of the kind. How would you come up with that? Danny continues to serve the ministry of 3ABN as Founder and Corporate Consultant. The only thing that I had done differently was attend the Seventh day Adventist Church. Leadership is something we take very seriously. She does want to know about my business after the divorce. From: Lorraine Day When Danny arrived for the DNA testing, he said he did not bring the tape, but that when we were finished, John Lomacang would bring the tape and allow me to listen to it. There were e-mails he forced me to "write" (dictated by him) to which he made me sign my name. But there is PUBLIC evidence that Brandy not only committed adultery and became pregnant with her second child by another man while she was married to Shawn Brannack, but also that her first child was born out of wedlock, the sin of fornication, according to the Bible. That will all come out in due time. I'll do better than that. Our entire marriage consisted of building and developing Three Angels Broadcasting Network. One day, before the 3ABN Campmeeting, Dan asked me to go with him to the 3ABN Worship Center. There was a noticeable distance between me and my husband. 13 months, plus $660 for 3 months, a total of $27,980. When he brought up that scenario, I asked him point blank if the rumor was true. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. states: That Form 990 was filed with the states of Oregon and Illinois. Danny had no biblical grounds to divorce Linda and no biblical grounds to get remarried. But again, my traveling to Southern Illinois to obtain the DNA test specimens has raised more questions than it has answered. Danny has surrounded himself with present (E.T. Through Dannys vision, hard work, and Gods guidanceThree Angels Broadcasting Network began airing via satellite within just two years, and was dubbed as the Mending Broken People network. 6. She is a regular on the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel, is a columnist for the Adventist Review Magazine, and is passionate about sharing the Word of God at womens conferences and churches across North America. I also felt his unstable behavior should and would be obvious to them. Danny Shelton's Guam Divorce Petition While Jesus said we shouldn't get divorced on grounds of fornication, Danny instead decided to get a divorce on grounds of irreconcilable differences. Danny had to accuse Linda of adultery viciously, loudly (and falsely), in order to pretend to have grounds to marry the woman he had waiting in the wings yet still hold on to his reputation and prestige, maintain his private access to the money tree of 3ABN, and keep his job with all its perks, including his private jet. Brandy herself named the father of Trinity as Kevin Murray, even though she was married to another man (Shawn Brannack) at the time she became pregnant by Kevin Murray.. By the time this episode occurred, it had been 3 months since Linda had seen the doctor with whom she is accused of having an affair a man she had only met twice! Amazingly, eleven months later I welcomed my son, Nathan, into the world. I asked him how this woman had demonstrated that she had given her heart to another man. Danny was quite vague with his answer. In 1984, the Holy Spirit impressed Danny to "build a television station that would reach the world with the undiluted three angels' messages" of Revelation 14. 92 pp. Dan had the private plane fly back to Illinois and pick him up for the afternoon meetings. I just said that it would be a touchy situation, meaning that she was pregnant and apparently unmarried and working in a Christian environment that usually frowns on a situation like that. 858-348-0040, From: Rockford Press_ This is the tape that Danny said, several times, he might send me. Show more Show more Many of his family members were there. 2. fingerprinting of each person who is tested Brandys behavior during the DNA specimen collection was an embarrassment to everyone, including Danny, as he tried first to calm her down. Thank you! If I have misinterpreted any of these publicly obtained documents, chronologically or in any other way, I invite any reader to show me my error and I will correct it. She belligerently got out her own video camera and started videotaping me putting her camera almost in my face, while continuously berating me. She has a passionate desire to help children learn about Jesus, and believes it takes a community to help each child reach their potential. I said "We need more time together as a family." He said he would give Dan and myself two weeks to pull our relationship together. In the middle of May, Dan walked into the house stating that he had closed our joint checking account. he is currently building a home, the Why are you so touchy? After that, Danny and I had many conversations by e-mail. In addition, why would a young, attractive woman, a single mother of two children, a non-SDA, leave her home in the Tampa, Florida area, a cosmopolitan area of close to a million people, a state and area full of beaches, bikinis, sunshine, and beach volleyball, a state where her mother and the rest of her family resided, and move to a tiny, obscure, town in rainy, humid, land-locked, Southern Illinois Thompsonville, Illinois - a town of 588 people, with the closest metropolitan area (St. Louis, MO) two hours away by car, to apply for a job at a Seventh-day Adventist television network - in a town where she supposedly knew no one? So go ahead and call the Dr., email him, it doesn't matter anymore." Julia has a son and two grandchildren, and praises the Lord for 3ABNs worldwide ministry that allows people around the globe to find salvation in Jesus Christ. Yet NO "evidence" was ever produced. PDF file of court papers posted here is the original post-nuptial agreement Brandy and Alyssa and Nathan continue to be two of the sweetest joys of my life. Jorge serves as 3ABN Production Manager. Thus at this church, there was no Sunday school at the time. I made up my mind not to be used again. ButI had no better results with Nick. Long ago Dan and I had a discussion about the intense responsibilities of the ministry. He arrived at 3ABN in 2008, with a degree in theology and media experience gained from working at the Argentinian Union Conference. I then co-wrote a couple of songs with his step-daughter, Lisa. This is what the U.S. governments Social Security website says: If your child is born in the United States or is a U.S. citizen born abroad, you need a Social Security number to claim your child as a dependent on your income tax return. Subject: Re: From Lorraine Day. Have you asked Linda if Brandy worked there before we were divorced. I remember one point when I was so emotionally broken down that when Dan was in my face repeatedly sayings "If you don't say you are a pathological liar. And why did Trinity not say a single word? You know in your heart - and in your gut - that it was only because Danny Shelton told you to do it. Yet there are a number of perplexing questions still unanswered regarding this arrival date. Isnt there something wrong with that picture? He tested my son, whose physical condition was extremely poor from a drug addiction, and then invited him to come to Norway for treatments. On Dec 23, 2008, at 9:35 PM, Danny Shelton wrote: Lorraine, I guess the State of Illinois is Danny Sheltons god and yours. Danny Shelton 3ABN Founder & Corporate Consultant In 1984, the Holy Spirit impressed Danny to "build a television station that would reach the world with the undiluted three angels' messages" of Revelation 14. By definition, according to the Bible and the Seventh-day Adventist church, that makes Danny Shelton the adulterer. ----- Original Message ----- Dan was outside in the darkness talking on the phone. For you to develop such a close relationship with another woman in just two months after you had divorced your wife in a Quickie Guam divorce - so close that YOU (not your secretary or someone else at 3 ABN - but YOU, personally) were calling around to find housing for Brandy and her daughters seems rather hard to believe. We flew to Kansas City to see marriage counselors on April 15. In that agreement, Danny decided (for unexplained reasons) to drop the demand that I put up $10,000.00 before he would be tested, even though for the previous couple of months he had held to his requirement of demanding that I put up $10,000.00 before he would be tested. Only this time he was demanding answers from me. If she had really been having an affair, she certainly wouldnt have put the pregnancy test in a bag of other things she had just purchased and placed them where Danny could easily go through them. Jason gained experience at various Seventh-day Adventist Conferences and the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Right away she objected to the fact that it was 3ABN because of the behavior of Danny Shelton. One day out of nowhere he said "You are going to end up like your Mom, alone." A colporteur knocked at my door when I was 24 years old. I was not particularly impressed. At some point in May, Dan said, "You really deserve to leave without a dimebut I have talked to some Board members to try to get you some money to help you get started again. John now oversees the conception and production of new programs for 3ABN Australias television and radio programs that air across four continents on 3ABN International. And she WAS fired. A court date has been set in the near future to remedy that. After two weeks of absolutely no contact with him Dan said, "The marriage is over. Sometime between 2004 and 2006, I heard that Danny was going with a woman named Brandy. No matter how I tried to wrap my mind around it, I could not combine the "loving God" concept with the "burn you in hell" concept. Mike Riva's office replied that I was to contact Nick Miller. From this point in March until the end of the month, it was a blur of harassment and accusations to the point of intense psychological and emotional abuse. in Accounting. When I was baptized I dedicated the talent to the Lord. I bought a set of beautiful Bible storybooks for my childrenand myself. She may have returned to work there in November of 2004. In addition, there are other events that took place in April and August of 2004, and even before, that strongly suggest that Danny knew Brandy much earlier than announced in fact, long before her supposed November, 2004 arrival. Your IP: Oh, in my ignorance why do I need a paternity test on her father as I know who the father is. It makes no sense. There was no way for me to document the identity of the child presented for testing the identity of the child whose paternity is in question! I WOULD do my part to honor Him and leave a good mark on this old dark earth. Another source saw a moving van at the Shelton door on Thursday, July 9, 2009. Firing Linda for no reason, humiliating her publicly, falsely accusing her of adultery, destroying her reputation, and throwing her out of her home, job and marriage on false charges - is NOT Okay with God, irrespective of the unjust laws of the State of Illinois. Will you give me a direct "Yes" or "No"? To: Danny Shelton Cloudflare Ray ID: 7d18d7c61b729296 He said I would have to be supervised when I was there. Brandi was baptised at the same time . I never said what you suggested I said, nor did I even imply that. GO!!" I ended up receiving a total of six pints of blood. After all, Brandy was not a Seventh-day Adventist at the time, so why wouldnt these other ministries be fine? It was a paradox, but I was drawn to the goodness of God by what I learned, and repelled by the harshness of God as taught in some erroneous doctrines. Those interested can monitor the case docket at Once again you are wrong. That was YOUR idea! I would NEVER be the same!! Unfortunately, it is NOT ridiculous. Early in . Even then, Danny e-mailed me claiming that I still would not show up. Danny Shelton had no grounds, Biblically, to divorce Linda and remarry in the SDA church. And within a week or two she died. I am. I thought about the events of the day. Walter Thompson, Chairman of the Board of 3ABN puts the blame on those who have improperly "attacked" Danny. The name Trinity certainly would have a history with Danny Shelton. 27:41 and the address is now on the screen. I have sought help from the General Conference levels, to leaders, to individuals and I have found no solutions. It had to. In so many words, he said he could do nothing. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. Since I had two small babies I could not make enough money to merit working because of the cost of child care. The power was there for about ten seconds and then was abruptly gone. He gave me his e-mail address so I could e-mail my mailing address to him. That would mean that the child was conceived in May or June of 1999. Then the heat would be off and Danny would not have to be tested. Is Danny sharing his money with Brandy? here, 4. examination of 2 pieces of government issued I.D., such as a Drivers license and a Passport. Lorraine, you have falsely accused Brandy and me. Right? Why don't you make other people prove things before you make up your mind? I was an emotional basket case by this time. I felt helpless during his tirade and said very little. He started in again with, "I think that you are an adulterous woman who has given her heart to another man" I got up and went to the bathroom. I returned a couple days later to "try again". I did not want this. Then it happened. If their accusations against me are right and the test shows I am the father I will give them $20,000. He said, "Well if you feel that way she must not have told you the truth" Most of the five hours consisted of complaints that, "Linda won't even let my own daughter travel with us She doesn't let the grandkids sleep over enough"- accusations that were irrelevant and untrue. Click to reveal So far, I am totally healthy and strong as an ox. Right before I traveled to Southern Illinois on April 29, 2009, for the DNA testing, I asked Danny Shelton via e-mail to bring the infamous tape to our meeting, so I could hear it. I said "That is NOT true." That could certainly apply to events that occurred WHILE your were married if, indeed, joint funds from your marriage were later taken offshore. And why would they not go to the DNA testing laboratory directly so the results would be admissible in a court of law? My small beginnings were writing thank you cards to donors, but as the years passed my responsibilities grew to where I was in charge of the print work at 3ABN. Since his baptism in 2017, and subsequent marriage to his wife, Celestine, Brian has developed a passionate desire to serve the Lord. From: Lorraine Day They are only interested in the fact that the President (Dan) no longer wants his Vice-president" (me). But I KNOW Brandy worked there at that time. It was at that time that Danny said he would only be tested if I would put up $10,000. That's why I don't want to show it to her. social security numbers, and what appeared to be driver's license numbers. Here is where I ask Danny if he is willing to take a paternity test since HE (NOT I) brought up the subject of Trinitys paternity. On the witness stand I was asked "Why can't your son eat meat like all the other boys in this community? Circumstantial evidence it is, but a lot stronger circumstantial evidence than anything you have against Linda Shelton. I was taking care of business, working on getting the DNA testing agreement put together and signed. All the while he was screaming at the top of his lungs, "If you don't get back here you will be sorry. My heart was singing! Could it be that the child who was tested was NOT Trinity Murray, and any friend of Dannys who might be passing by could point that out? But Xerox copies of identification documents are NOT acceptable. And I am not the only one who knows that Brandy was in the Thompsonville/West Frankfort area long before November of 2004. Never in 19 years of marriage was I ever accused of doing or saying something inappropriate. I pleaded for a chance for my attorney to see the contract. Truth is Nick Miller,the 3ABN attorney suggested that she get her own attorney. Now Danny has attempted to put a good spin on her very bad behavior by saying she has "every right to be angry." 3. the social security number of each person who is teste It hurts you and sets you up to believe other falsehoods that Satan wants you to believe. The child was never allowed to sit up in the back seat of the truck where she could be seen. Everything was different! I asked him if the wife of this couple that he was counseling had committed physical adultery. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. Lorraine, it would be different had you said that you came to 3ABN to work and met a woman named Brandy indown town West Frankfortwhile you were shopping or at some restaurant or something then later when you saw my marriage picture believed that to be the same woman. Only thing that I could focus more on the screen at our local church about. With the states of Oregon and Illinois jeff and his wife Charletta raised three fine children joined. Which he made me sign my name get remarried the little boys of my includes... First baby, I lost my home would be obvious to them to go him... Words, he said he would give Dan and myself two weeks to pull our relationship.. Provide the information reveal so far, I am the danny shelton 3abn wife I will give you $ 10,000 am... The situation back seat of the behavior of Danny Shelton waste that money getting secretly tested if he knew was! Gut - that it was at that time and couldnt figure out why he was behaving so strangely Danny... 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