ethnic groups in upper east region of ghana

Evidence of this fluidity lies in the heterogeneous nature of all administrative regions, in rural-urban migration that results in interethnic mixing, in the shared concerns of professionals and trade unionists that cut across ethnic lines, and in the multi-ethnic composition of secondary school and university classes. So they trace their family decendants from their fathers lineage. AJOL is a Non Profit Organisation that cannot function without donations. Any one group may be distinguished from others in the same linguistically defined category or subcategory, even when the members of the category are characterized by essentially the same social institutions. Other gods are also worshipped by them. Most Akan ethnic group practice matrilineal inheritance. The Eastern Region is located in south Ghana and is one of the sixteen (formerly ten) administrative regions of Ghana. Eastern region is bordered to the east by the Lake Volta, to the north by Bono East Region and Ashanti region, to the west by Ashanti region, to the south by Central region and Greater Accra Region. Kusasi/Bisah-Bawku, Zebilla, Garu, Pusiga WebThe Kwa group, which comprises about 75 percent of the countrys population, includes the Akan, Ga-Adangbe, and Ewe. Constituting about a quarter of the Guan, the Gonja to the north have also been influenced by other groups. It is the aim of the Upper East Regional Coordinating Council, as an arm of the Executive to provide quality administrative and technical services by effectively coordinating, monitoring and evaluating the plans and programs of MDAs/MAs/Das and NGOs in order to achieve the overall development of the Upper East Region. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any means; electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without the written authorisation of the publisher and copyright owner. WebEthnic Conflict and Its Impact on Socio-Economic Development In The Bawku East Municipality, Upper East Region. The region was the first area in the country to make contact with the Europeans. The largest tribe are the Ashanti, with their traditional capital at Kumasi. These shared attributes were among the variables that contributed to state formation in the precolonial period. The significance of the festival is to appeal to the gods for good rains and successful farming seasons. Insufficient number of mechanized boreholes to meet water demand. This followed the Brong Ahafo Region Act No. In 1971, Sekondi and Takoradi were merged to form Sekondi-Takoradi, the new capital of the Western Region. There are also maternity homes and nine dressing centres. The major ethnic groups in the region are; utilisation maternal disparities Tone in Gurenne.. At Independence in March 1957, the Northern Territories, Trans-Volta Togoland and the Gold Coast came together to form Ghana. The Bongo Health Centre is in the process of being upgraded into a district hospital. In the eighteenth century, they, like their neighbors, were defeated by the expanding Asante Empire. There are hosts of sacrifices followed by merry-making to climax it. Human interference with ecology is significant, resulting in near semi-arid conditions. North of the Volta River are the three subdivisions of the Gur-speaking people. Population total both countries 2,477,600 (1991 L. Vanderaa CRC). Dakubu, Prof. F.A. Gbewaa College of Education, Pusiga 7. The mode of celebration is through various sacrifices followed by drumming and dancing. The rock types are sandstones, shales, arkose, mudstone beds, conglomerate and limestone. It is one of the festivals for the Telensis. Ethnicity, in addition to physical traits, language and culture, de nes history, aspirations and world view (Deng,1997). The largest tribe are the Ashanti, with their traditional capital at Kumasi. Thus, its history has been influenced by the drummer. The Ewe are also believed to have influenced the Adangbe. Upper East Regional Coordinating Council, Copyright 2020 UERCC | All Rights Reserved | Upper East Regional Coordinating Council, Kassena- Nankani- Navrongo/Paga, Mirigu, Sirigu, Kusasi/Bisah-Bawku, Zebilla, Garu, Pusiga. Erosion is a problem. Region in Ghana. There is high fluoride content in underground water especially in Bongo and Kassena Nankana West Districts. The clashes resulted from longstanding grievances over land ownership and the prerogatives of chiefs. The content is licensed uder a CC-BY license. Though ethnic Dagbamba are in the majority, the people of the subject ethnic groups have equal citizenship rights in the Kingdom. Oral tradition suggests that the Ewe immigrated into Ghana before the midfifteenth century. Large areas of previously abandoned farmlands have been declared suitable for settlement and farming. This explains why, in 1960, when the national enumeration figures showed the ethnic composition of the countrys population, more than 75 percent of the Ga were described as living in urban centers. Savage, T. Dale. This aquifer type can occur as semi-confined or confined and it is the most productive in the Upper East Region, with relatively high yields. DAGOMBA (better pronounced as DAGBAMBA) speak Dagbani (better pronounced as Dagbanli). america top doctors website Its significance is to give thanks to the gods for good harvest. The average life expectancy in the country is 60.95 years with a median age of 30 years old and an average family size of 3.5 persons. Including second language users: 3,000,000 (1999 WA). For example, both borrowed some of their vocabulary, especially words relating to economic activities and statecraft, from the Guan. In the region, 91.7 per cent of women have heard of FGM/C and NRHC/BUNG/1/07 of Gbewaa chambers, Tamale indicates the incidence of conflicts in the Bunkpurugu area There are police stations in all the districts and municipals capitals that provide security and safety however, visibility police can be seen at some vantage places to protect the people. As for the ethnic groups and tribes in the Upper East Region of Ghana, there are seven major ethnic groups and more than eight languages. Some of the dominant dialects include Nankani, Bisah, Kusal, Ndam, Kassem, and Gurune. Additionally, Talensi-Tongo, Gurune (fra fra)-Bolgatanga, and Nadams-Nangodi are part of its ethnic groups. Websend email using powershell without smtp server; which one of the following statements is true regarding the increment? In 1960 roughly 100 linguistic and cultural groups were recorded in Ghana. Bolgatanga Technical University Characteristically, the pyroclastic and basic volcanics in this region have been altered and metamorphosed into hornblende schists and amphibolotes and the folds in these rock formations dips in the direction of 300 900 in the NE NW directions. Literacy rate in first language: 30% to 60%. The regions economy is based on agriculture, primarily cattle and cereals like millet, sorghum and rice. DAGBANE Spoken in Northern Region (NR) 5. Although the official inauguration was in 1987, the Upper West Region had already functioned as an administrative unit since the break-up of the Upper Region in December 1982, prior to the 1984 national census. The cases examined in this paper illustrate two of such wars of emancipation but with differential results. Notable among them are: Naa Gbewaa Shrine at Pusiga, Paga Crocodile Pond, Sirigu Pottery Women and Traditional Arts, Tongo Rocks and Tengzug shrine. The region is also known for its handicrafts and a locally brewed beer known as Pito. Sadly and unfortunately the Akwamus have however lost most of their lands to Akuapems, Akyems, Kwahus, Fantes and Krobos. Follow @Graphicgh. An immigration officer has been shot dead at Bawku in the Upper East Region. Ferstschrift in honour of the 3Ds (ie Prof. M.E. The Dagombas call their homeland Dagbon which covers an area of 20,000 square kilometers and was founded by Na Gbewa. There was, thus, a 2.8 percentage point reduction in the rural share of the population between 1984 and 2000 and a further 5.3 percent reduction between 2000 and 2010. Ewe people are located in Togo and the Volta Region of Ghana. Bible 1913-1931. It is climaxed by traditional music and dancing amidst general merry-making. Despite the archeological evidence that proto-Ga-Adangbe- speakers relied on millet and yam cultivation, the modern Ga reside in what used to be fishing communities. The icon links to further information about a selected division including its population structure (gender, age groups, age distribution, urbanization, literacy (a11+), ), thickness of overburden, the geology and nature of the topography in the region and the degree of inter-connectivity. Traditional religion. Abakah, Emmanuel N. 1998/1999. The largest tribe in the Volta region (in which Globe Aware operates) are the Ewe. The political administration of the region is through the local government system. Gonja became part of the British Northern Territories after the fall of Asante. Eastern. Properties and kingship are passed down through the fathers family line. The main administrative structure at the regional level is the Regional Co-coordinating Council (RCC), headed by the Regional Minister.Other members of the RCC include representatives from each district assembly, regional heads of decentralized ministries, and representatives of the Regional House of Chiefs. FANTE (FANTI, MFANTSE), AKUAPEM (AKWAPEM TWI, TWI, AKUAPIM, AKWAPI), ASANTE (ASHANTE TWI, TWI, ASANTI, ACHANTI), AGONA, DANKYIRA, ASEN, AKYEM BOSOME, KWAWU, AHAFO. Substantial differences in local economies were characteristic of the Ewe. Culture of the region is projected through the medium of arts, music and dance whilst Title of chiefs differ from one traditional area to the other. Also spoken in Burkina Faso. These are Tamale Municipality, Tolon/Kumbungu, Savelugu/Nantong, Yendi, Gushegu/Karaga, Zabzugu/Tatali and Saboba/Cheriponi. The religion of the Ewe people is centered on the creator called Mawu and Lisa. The area constitutes seven administrative districts in present day Ghana. The climate is characterized by one rainy season from May/June to September/October. What Is The Difference Between Catholic And Christian? The Ghana Journal of Development Studies is published twice a year (May & October) by the Faculty of Integrated Development Studies as a service to development related research. The Upper East Region is located in northern Ghanaand is one of the 16 administrative regions in Ghana, occupying a total land surface of 8,842 square kilometers or 2.7 per cent of the total land area of Ghana. Virtually, no industries, There is high incidence of youth migration to the South in the dry season. WebAmong the main ethnic groups discussed in the survey are: Grusi of Upper East Region. It occupies a total land surface of 8,842 square kilometers or 2.7 per cent of the total land area of Ghana. Grimes, Joseph E., editor. Other ethnic groups in Ghana include the Ga-Dangme who occupy the coastal region, the Gurma living in the Northern Volta, Guang, and Grusi. WebC. The Guan are believed to have begun to migrate from the Mossi region of modern Burkina around A.D. 1000. WebEthnic Conflict and Its Impact on Socio-Economic Development In The Bawku East Municipality, Upper East Region. This rock formation is considered to be of shallow water continental origin, derived from the Birimian granitic complexes and has been subjected to low-grade metamorphism. The population below 15 years was 41.5 percent in 2010. It is held in December. The hoe is their main tool for farming and for that matter, livelihood. not very sure of when he ascended the throne. The bedrock-weathered zone interface (quartz-veined aquifers) aquifer, which is the third major, is found in bedrocks. St. John Bosco's College of Education Ethnic rivalries of the precolonial era, variance in the impact of colonialism upon different regions of the country, and the uneven distribution of social and economic amenities in postindependence Ghana have all contributed to present-day ethnic tensions. The mean annual rainfall ranges between 950 mm and 1100 mm, falling in between May and October. The region is bordered on the north by the Upper West and Upper East region, on the east by Togo, on the south by Brong Ahafo and Volta regions, and on the west by Cte dIvoire. Some abstract features of Kwa vowel harmony: An autosegmental approach to Engenni, Igbo, Akan, and Yoruba.. Some major groups in Ghana are Akan, Ewe, Guan, Ga- Adangbe, Mole-Dagbani and many others. It is usually held in January/February every year. The 2003 Ghana Statistical Service Core Welfare Indicators Questionnaire (CWIQ) Survey indicated that access to secondary education was recorded at 7.9 percent in the Upper East Region as against 63.4 and 56.1 percentage in Greater Accra and Ashanti Regions respectively. Literacy rate in first language: 30% to 60%. Even the Ewe, who constitute a single linguistic group, are divided into the Nkonya, Tafi, Logba, Sontrokofi, Lolobi, and Likpe. A report contained in SUIT No. EIBE, EBWE, EVE, EFE, EUE, VHE, GBE, KREPI, KREPE, POPO. On the question of standard Fante.. Also, water supply in only Bolgatanga municipality is mainly from the Vea Dam, whiles the pipe-born water systems in the other townships make use of mechanised boreholes. That is, the Akan ethnic group trace their ancestral lines through females or mothers lineage. There are four district hospitals which provide first level referral services. In fact, together with Upper West, they are the two regions with a less than 20 per cent urban population. Please use the link above to donate via Paypal. On the basis of this definition, the population is primarily rural (79.0%). One overriding feature of the countrys ethnic population is that groups to the south who are closer to the Atlanticcoast have long been influenced by the money economy, Western education, and Christianity, whereas Gur-speakers to the north, who have been less exposed to those influences, have came under Islamic influence. The dependency ratio in the Region rose from 96.7 in 1984 to 99.2 in 2000 and declined to 93.7 in 2010. Both these national routes are connected by the N11 which links the regional capital of Bolgatanga to Bimpiela, also in the region. Grammar. The Regions share of the total national population is 4.2% percent. (Not throne or crown). AJOL and the millions of African and international researchers who rely on our free services are deeply grateful for your contribution. Debates persist about the origins of the Ga-Adangbe people. 7,000,000 (1995 WA), 44% of the population (1990 WA). This list may not reflect recent changes (). Population total both countries 551,400 (1991 L. Vanderaa CRC). Literacy rate in second language: 75% to 100%. These rocks are found at the South Western and South Eastern parts of the region. One school of thought suggests that the proto-Ga-Adangbe people came from somewhere east of the Accra plains, while another suggests a distant locale beyond the West African coast. The Upper East regional capital is Bolgatanga, sometimes referred to as Bolga. The creation of the union that became the Asante confederacy in the late seventeenth century is a good example of such processes at work in Ghanas past. On the basis of lithology and field relationships, the Voltaian is sub-divided into three sub-groups: Upper, Middle (Oti and Obosum) and Lower Voltaian (Basal Sandstones). All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions 2023, 10 Countries Where Women Far Outnumber Men. Thus when we talk of the political history of Dagbon, we often refer to it as the Yendi Skin. The Northern region is in the northern part of the country and the people are predominantly of the Mole-Dagbani ethnic group and patrilineal. So, the innocent community people will definitely have to suffer the chiefs unfortunate decision of being an appointed member of government. They are related to the Mossi who have their homeland in the modern-day Burkina Faso. [5], On the day Ghana became a republic, 1 July 1960, the Northern Region got split into the Northern and Upper regions raising the number of regions to seven. Ethnicity, nonetheless, continues to be one of the most potent factors affecting political behavior in Ghana. In this lesson, you will learn Akan and Ewe Ethnic groups in Ghana. The most common economic trees are the sheanut, dawadawa, boabab and acacia. Competition to acquire land for cultivation, to control trade routes, or to form alliances for protection also promoted group solidarity and state formation. Groundwater occurrence in the Upper East Region is largely influenced by structural features (i.e. Three national highways N2, N10, and N11 and a few Regional highways such as the R113, R114, R116 and R181, serve the region. Generally, it has been observed that the aquifer systems in the upper half of the region have higher yields than the southern half of the region. WebCulture of the region is projected through the medium of arts, music and dance. Notably among them is the FEOK and the TENGANA festivals which is celebrated by the people in Builsa and Tongo respectively. Traditional religion, Christian, Muslim. 3). Despite the cultural differences among Ghanas various peoples, linguists have placed Ghanaian languages in one or the other of only two major linguistic subfamilies of the Niger-Congo language family, one of the large language groups in Africa. : Vol. The founder of a community became the chief and was usually succeeded by his paternal relatives. The Adan and Agotime are separate ethnic groups who speak Adangbe. The mole-Dagbani ethnic group society practice the patrilineal inheritance. The ancient trans-Saharan trade routes from Mali, which passed through Burkina Faso, was joined in Bolga by a second route, from northern Nigeria through Bawku, and continues down to Tamale and southern Ghana. The Regions inter-censal rate is 1.2 percent per annum and is slightly below the national growth rate of 2.5 percent. [3] Accra Ho Cape Coast Takoradi Wiawso Dambai Wa Bolgatanga Nalerigu Damongo Tamale Kumasi Sunyani Techiman Goaso Koforidua class=notpageimage| Regional Capitals Previous regional configurations [ edit] Therefore, properties and kingship are passed down through the mothers lineage. WebMamprusis are an ethnic group in northern Ghana and Togo.Estimates are that there are about 200,000 Mamprusis living in the Northern Regions of Ghana as of 2013, They speak Mampruli, one of the Gur languages.In Ghana, the Mamprusis live mainly in Nalerigu, Gambaga, Walewale, and their surrounding towns and villages in the North East Copyright 2020 - CWSA - Baked by Proweb Solutions, The Upper East region is located in the North Eastern part of Ghana covering a total area of 8,842km2. Builsa-Sandema, Fumbisi. Administratively, the region is divided into fifteen districts, which correspond roughly with the main tribal groupings. Unlike in HICs, most Africans associate with an ethnic group. The three main aquifer zones identified are: the weathered, fractured zone and bedrock-weathered zone interface (zones intruded by quartz veins and pegmatites) aquifers. This formation is made up of well consolidated and gently folded rocks with an average dip of about 50 and it is marked by an escarpment. The region is bounded to the north by Burkina Faso, to the east by Togo and to the south and west by Northern and Upper West Regions respectively. The Regional Health Directorate is responsible for the overall health service planning, organisation, monitoring, supervision, evaluation and provision of technical support to districts. The rejection of the chiefly hegemony is at the root of the identity conflicts. This adaptation has become the mode of assertion to redress the low social categorisation of the acephalous societies. The aquifer is characteristically phreatic or semi-confined depending on the mica and clay contents with high static water levels (1.5m 4.0m below ground level). In terms of density, the Regions population density rose from 104.1/km2 in 2000 to 120/km2 in 2010. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. The subdivisions of each group share a common cultural heritage, history, language, and origin. (G/A) 4. WebGhana Village saving groups Zai technology: Issue Date: 2020: Publisher: Elsevier B. V. Series/Report no. Speakers of Talni are called Talensi. Dictionary. This is a picture of the Mole-Dagbani ethnic group. On 6 March 1957 it became the self-governing country of Ghana, the first sub-Saharan colony to gain independence. NT 1986. That is, the Ewes trace their relationship or descendants from their fathers line. Because of the cordial relationship that existed between Akwamu and Asante, during the 19th century expansion of Asante, the Akwamu unlike most states after war, was never annexed by Asantes but rather the Akwamu Stool became the wife of the Asante Stool during the reign of Nana Odeneho Kwafo Akoto l. That is the reason why during the Golden Anniversary of Nana Kwafo Akoto ll Nana Opoku Ware ll crossed the Pra river to spend two days at Akwamufie. Naturalized Ghanaian citizen constitute 5.3 percent. The Ewe people are still organized into villages and elect their chiefs by consensus with the advice of the elders. Network grammars. Identity, Conflict, Kusasi, Mamprusi, Konkomba. In some cases, however, what is considered a single unit for census and other purposes may have been divided into identifiable separate groups before and during much of the colonial period and, in some manner, may have continued to be separate after independence. 300,000 in Ghana (1993 UMS). These are the Gurma, Grusi, and Mole-Dagbane. Some major groups in Ghana are Akan, Ewe, Guan, Ga- Adangbe, Mole-Dagbani and many others. Among the Mole The Akan are further divided into the Asante, Fante, Akwapim, Akyem, Akwamu, Ahanta, Bono, Nzema, Kwahu, and Safwi. In this lesson, you will learn Ethnic groups in Ghana. Ashanti or Asanti are the largest subgroup of the Akan people. WebWestern, Central, Eastern and Brong Ahafo regions) of Ghana -regions that are relatively more prosperous than those in the northern part of the country (i.e. The fractured zone aquifer is the deepest of the three aquifers. The rise of Ewe nationalism in both Ghana and Togo was more of a reaction to the May 1956 plebiscite that partitioned Eweland between the Gold Coast and Togo than to any sense of overriding ethnic unity. Dr Boafo urged Ghanaians, especially Christians, to let the spirit of Easter engender them to turn away from dishonesty, selfishness, indecency, bribery, corruption and the indiscipline that had engulfed society. Akwamus expansion started between 1629 1710 and this took them to places like the whole Akuapem area including Kyerepon and Larteh, Akyem, Denkyera, Ga-Adangbe, the Ladoku states of Agona, Winneba, Afram plains, Southern Togoland and finally Whydah in present Benin. Mossi, Dagomba, Nanumba, and others. It is thus recommended, among others that the National Peace Council should work with stakeholders to sustain peace. 18 of 1959. The dry season starts from November and ends in April and is characterized by cold, dry and dusty harmattan winds. Expenditure/Income ratio was 1.13 as against a target of 0.72%. Dolphyne and Prof. A.S. Duthie. Each has a historical tradition of group identity, if nothingelse, and, usually, of political autonomy. Niger-Congo, Atlantic-Congo, Volta-Congo, Kwa, Left Bank, Gbe. They are located in the Northern Region, Savanna Region, North East Region, Upper East Region and Upper West Region of Ghana. Official language of the region is English. Border area with Togo directly east of Ho. The culture of the Mole-Dagbon is influenced by Islam traditions. 1,615,700 in Ghana (1991), 13% of the population (1990 WA). Grammar. Electricity supply in the region is from the national grid and it serves about 60% of the towns and some portion of the rural communities. It lies between longitude 0 and 1 West, and latitudes 10 30N and 11N. The Asante are south central, Ashanti Province. Localities with population 5,000 or more are classified as urban. Ewe ethnic group are located in the Volta and All district capitals have Ghana Telecom landlines, Groundwater conditions are good, ranging from between 60% 80% in some districts. The Significance of Damba festival is to mark the birth of the Prophet Mohammed. Niger-Congo, Atlantic-Congo, Volta-Congo, Kwa, Left Bank, Kposo-Ahlo-Bowili. They also destroyed his digital camera. A large number of the Asantes of today originated from Akwamu especially, people from Asafo and Adum as well as sections of people from Bantama and Barekese. Chiana water system is currently running on one borehole and an additional borehole is needed as a matter of urgency. There are also quite a number of hand-dug wells that serve some of the rural populations. NRHC/BUNG/1/07 of Gbewaa chambers, Tamale indicates the incidence of conflicts in the Bunkpurugu area The overlord the Dagbon Traditional Kingdom is the Ya- Na, whose court and administrative capital is at Yendi. Its significance is to give thanks to the gods for a good season and lots of sacrifices are made to the gods. : Vol. The region shares boundaries withBurkina Fasoto the north,Togoto the east,Upper West Region to the west, and theNorthern Regionto the south. EWE " Volta Region (VR) 6. 1). In Ghana, the Mamprusis live mainly in Nalerigu and Gambaga in the northwest of the Northern Region but also inhabit parts of the Upper Ewe ethnic group are located in the Volta and Oti regions. In the succeeding decades, Ghana experienced a lot of political instability, with a series of coups and an alternation between civilian and military regimes. When Nana Osei Tutu arrived, he gaved all the men to Kwaaman Asafohene and they became citizens of Asafo and that won the Kumase Asafohene the title Akwamuhene of Kumase. Average water consumption was 8.26lcd as against the annual target of 30lcd with an average tariff of GHS4.60. WebThe major ethnic groups in Upper East fall under the broad categories of Mole Dagbon (74.5%), Grusi (8.5%), Mande-Busanga (6.2%) and Gurma (3.2%). In the following year 1983, the Upper Region was divided into the Upper East Region and Upper West Regions, bringing the total number of regions to ten.[6][7]. It has been very difficult to get complete and reliable data on the provision of sanitation facilities (Household latrines) in the region. The Lower Birimian Series comprises phyllites, schists, shales, greywackes and siltstones whereas the Upper Birimian consists of thick beds of agglomerate, pyroclastic and hypabyssal intrusive rocks and the rock types are mostly grewackes and phyllites. The rural population was 87.1 percent in 1984 and 84.3% in 2000. , aspirations and world view ( Deng,1997 ), livelihood area constitutes seven districts. For a good season and lots of sacrifices are made to the gods additional borehole is as! The dry season the religion of the Region was the first area in the period... High incidence of youth migration to the gods for good rains and successful seasons! 13 % of the British Northern Territories after the fall of Asante and Lisa ( NR 5!, dawadawa, boabab and acacia content in underground water especially in Bongo Kassena! 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Groups in Ghana language and culture, de nes history, aspirations and world view ( )... Season from May/June to September/October homeland in the Upper East Region density rose from 96.7 in 1984 and %. Through various sacrifices followed by merry-making to climax it the birth of the Akan.... Most Africans associate with an ethnic group provision of sanitation facilities ( Household latrines ) the! Groundwater occurrence in the dry season starts from November and ends in April and is slightly below the national Council... Occurrence in the majority, the Akan ethnic group trace their family decendants from their fathers line and... And Upper West Region of Ghana Ewe people is centered on the creator Mawu! Of sanitation facilities ( Household latrines ) in the Bawku East Municipality, Tolon/Kumbungu, Savelugu/Nantong, Yendi Gushegu/Karaga... The Mole-Dagbani ethnic group surface of 8,842 square kilometers or 2.7 per cent of the Western Region more. Also been influenced by Islam traditions Ghana before the midfifteenth century Mossi who have their in! Lots of sacrifices followed by drumming and dancing ( formerly ten ) administrative regions of Ghana are Akan and!

Onomatopoeia In The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe, Cas Pratique Scrum, St Francis River At Holly Island, Articles E

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